.fifteen. What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat by AUBREY GORDON

This book was absolutely fantastic and a must-read for anyone who is human. The casual way society abuses fat people in EVERY aspect of life needs to be acknowledged by everyone, and then we all need to take responsibility for this mistreatment. Society’s cavalier attitude toward fat folks is very literally killing them. This book gave me a good look at myself and the stereotypes and misconceptions I didn’t realize I had. I’ll admit that some parts were straight up hard to read, because when you see how we treat fat people written down like that it’s…. oof. Read this book, work on the prejudices you hold against fat people, don’t be a ‘concern troll,’ tell BMI to fuck off. Five freaking stars.

Additional thoughts: I was really impressed by Aubrey Gordon’s inclusivity throughout this entire book. When I first started reading I was worried about possible white lady microaggressions, but I think Gordon did a pretty great job of keeping things real by consistently taking gender, culture, skin color into account.

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